Friday, February 5, 2010

[Enter Snazzy Title Here]

I know, I'm as surprised as you are. Took me forever to recover my username and password from the depths of google, and I am back. Half because Ashley and Jacquie badgered me into it, and half because, well, I wanted to bitch. And I was like, where can I do that? No one's online, can't on facebook, can't use it as inspiration for another 160 fictionpress one-shot. And then I remembered!

So...what's happened in the time that I've been gone...

-Painted my room
-Possibly almost got asked out (but didn't -sighs-)
-Learned to hate my job

Yeah, not much has happened. And since I'm sitting on my floor with objects strewn around me, I should just bitch and go clean up, but now that firefox has saved my log-in information, I'll be much more diligent. Promise.

Fuck the basement. My brother can live under my parents thumb and their house, but I'm moving out.

There, I said it.

My mother actually wouldn't let me go study with Ashley for our freakin' midterm because "[I'm] never around enough. [I'm] either at school, or work, or out with your friends."

Well, no shit. I'm in university. They supported me getting a job last summer. Am I just supposed to stop having a social life because they won't take me out driving so I can get my N and more independence?

Hell no.

So as of now, I'll probably have to walk everywhere, but oh well. And then she threatened to never finish the basement. They do realize that I plan to move out, don't they?

I mean, I never rebelled. Never, not once. I never got odd piercings or dated bad boys or did drugs. I was good. The only freedom I wanted was my room. Just one place where I could be myself, but they won't give me that. They won't give me that? I'll just move. I'd like to see them bitch about me never being around when I don't live with them. Hah!

God, I must sound like a spoiled brat. But I'm pissed, and moody, and my mother's been taking shots at me all day, and then...ugh. Hate my family.

Heh, wonder when I should break the news to them about Warped2010 and how I'm going. Should probably wait for this to blow over a little...

Toodles, chums.


  1. :D

    I love you and your wonderful angsty moments and yesssssss!
    Move in with me in my hippy apartment of fabness and china dolls!


    I'm putting the china dolls on display. And they will KILL you in your sleep.

    I'm so happy. I'm drinking coffee. Liquid joy.


  2. See, like a month behind, but HEY! You're my epic little warrior-chica. But, you know, I'm better than Jazza and you should move in with meeee. I'm going to have an even better apartment... WITHOUT creepy china dolls that can (and will) kill you in your sleep. Yes! It will be fab, it will be glorious, it will be decorated in amazing ways that blow people mind! And! It will be fabulously clean with no moulding backpacks or other surprises! :D
